
Privacy • Place • GIScience


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    Rehumanize geoprivacy: from disclosure control to human perception
    H. Zhang, and G. McKenzie
    GeoJournal, 2023
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    Privacy and Ethics in GeoAI
    G. McKenzie, H. Zhang, and S. Gambs
    In Handbook of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, 2023
  3. GIScience’23
    Platial k-anonymity: Improving location anonymity through temporal popularity signatures
    G. McKenzie, and H. Zhang
    In The 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 2023
  4. SKI’23
    Place-based privacy: A humanistic reflection on solitude and anonymity
    H. Zhang
    In The 8th Conference on Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada, 2023


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    PrivyTo: A privacy‐preserving location‐sharing platform
    G. McKenzie, D. Romm, H. Zhang, and 1 more author
    Transactions in GIS, 2022
  2. ISTAS’22
    Towards place-based privacy: Challenges and opportunities in the “smart” world
    H. Zhang, and G. McKenzie
    In IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, 2022
  3. PLATIAL’21
    Report from the First Workshop on Cyber Ethics in Platial Research
    H. Zhang, G. McKenzie, M. Tomko, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Platial Information Science, 2022
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    Why a PhD fast-track can be a bad idea
    H. Zhang
    University Affairs, 2022
  5. AAG’23
    A spatial-temporal public opinion analysis of IP location disclosure on Chinese social media platforms using Weibo data
    H. Zhang, and G. McKenzie
    Preprint, 2022


  1. SDSS’21
    “Data Horror”: Mapping (Spatial) Data Privacy Violations onto a Cognitive Account of Horror
    D. Romm, H. Zhang, P. Verma, and 2 more authors
    In Spatial Data Science Symposium, 2021


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    With coronavirus containment efforts, what are the privacy rights of patients?
    H. Zhang
    The Conversation, 2020
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    How to Pick the Right Canadian Grad School: A Geomatics Perspective
    H. Zhang
    GoGeomatics Canada, 2020


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    Should governments help PhDs get jobs? No. PhDs must be aware of employment reality
    H. Zhang
    Toronto Star, 2019
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    Using Geodata & Geolocation in the Social Sciences: Mapping Our Connected World by David Abernathy, Sage Publishing, London, 2017, 327 pp., paper US$50.00 (ISBN 978-1473908185)
    H. Zhang
    The Canadian Geographer, 2019


  1. IJGER
    Accuracy Evaluation of the Canadian OpenStreetMap Road Networks
    H. Zhang, and J. Malczewski
    International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 2018


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    Quality Evaluation of Volunteered Geographic Information: The Case of OpenStreetMap
    H. Zhang, and J. Malczewski
    In Volunteered Geographic Information and the Future of Geospatial Data, 2017
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    Quality Assessment of the Canadian OpenStreetMap Road Networks
    H. Zhang
    Western University, 2017